Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Living Together Apart

I never knew this had a name- it reminds me of what my ex (children's father) and I were going to do before he left but after we realized that our lifestyles just weren't going to mesh. Our plan was much closer though- I was going to get the rental that was right across the street. We reasoned that then, we could both be there for lil man, but I wouldn't have to put up with drinking and parties and we wouldn't have to fight constantly over it (someone didn't realize that having a kid meant you had to grow up)

I diddnt think the two situations were similar until I read the blog post by Single Mom Seeking about her and her HTB who lives 5 miles away.

I started to reflect on our current situation. My fiancĂ© and I still consider ourselves to be living together- he just stays out of town for work. He comes home Friday night and stays until Sunday afternoon- then he goes back to his friends and works Monday through Friday. We wouldn't be able to move for a few more months and we don't want to pull the boys out of school mid-year so this is pretty much it until May. Fortunately the boys get out of school the Wednesday before our wedding date (purely coincidental since thats the date we have planned for a year and a half now) so that is our planned moving date. Assuming everything goes somewhat according to plan and we can save up enough (which shouldn't be much of a problem since we wont have many of the typical wedding expenses)

But anyway- thats a brief update on whats going on in life at the moment- I will write more tomorrow, but its late and I am awfully tired :D

In the meantime- here is the link to Wikipedia about L.A.T

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